Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ice Cream - fast, vegan, without sugar

Incredible, isn't it? Do you think - well, the title might me true, but that sounds too healthy to taste also good. And I tell you - it is fantastic.
Only downside is, this has to be produced and eaten - no freezing afterwards, no waiting too long because it melts. So get going:

Get the real ripe bananas - you know, the ones you don't want to eat anymore - they may also be already quite brown outside. This adds taste and a lot of sweetness.
Cut them in small slices (some also write to peel them first, but I hope the people who are reading this, don't have to be told that) and put them in the freezer overnight.
The next day you take the bananas, put them in the blender, frozen as they are.
You might add a little plant milk or water or juice, just don't exaggerate, otherwise it will be too liquid and also other fruit of your choice or a spoonful of cocoa (this makes a fantastic chocolate ice cream) or vanilla.

What? That's it? YES - go ahead. I am looking forward to your comments.

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