Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Red cabbage salad

Happy New Year to you, I am starting with a winter recipe, but at the same time looking forward to spring. The traditional red cabbage recipe is the heated one with several good ingredients, slowly simmering in the pot which I learned when I was an apprentice in a hotel in Freiburg, a long time ago.
We put pig lard, apple sauce, cloves, red wine for good taste.
The worst, I ever tasted, was in a restaurant in France, Alsatia. I never thought that you could eat so bad in France. It was simply cooked in water with some salt added - let's say the way English hoseholds cooked vegetables 20 or 30 years ago - and already the cabbage smell would nearly keep you from trying it. Worse even, we decided to eat Cordon Bleu - being in France and presuming that it would be good. Worst decision ever! I don't remember the little town and the name of the place.. They took some kind of cooked meat, I think it was not even calf, filled it with cheese and ham, put some grated bread on it and then fried it. That is exactly how it tasted. Usually, I should have just given it back, but I took it home and the dogs were quite satisfied..
Never mind anyway, this is really good and also for all vegetarians and vegans, no meat involved:
Cut red cabbage in really thin stripes, add pomegranate seeds and pear or apple sauce (homemade of course), raspberry vinegar and olive oil. Marinate for at least two hours. Add roasted nuts before serving.

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