Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Summer is turning into autumn and these are the last day to eat lighter stuff. Actually I just discovered "Zoodles" on the blog of Kevin. I had been roaming the internet, looking for mixing prawns with something else to make it a more substantial meal. Of course I also had to surf by "Closet Kitchen" because I love these recipes and actually found the cutting zucchini in very long and narrow stripes to use them as a fresh spaghetti replacement. I still must practise how to create these thin stripes without mashing the zucchini. I cut them with the knife in small stripes, then took the pealer and cut them from up to down. This is all very well when you are on the outer part of the zucchino, the further you get inside, it will disintegrate. So I cut in stripes what I could and cut little dices from the rest. Looked nice, too.
Here is how I did it:
"Soffritto" with onions and garlic to taste - I took 1 onion and 2 pieces of garlic
1 chili - medium hot
10 prawns
I let it roast, then simmer slowly and put the zucchini in the end because I didn't want them to be too soft.
In the end, add a glass of white wine or rum to taste.
In the meantime I heated up the water for the pasta - I took "bavettine" this time, let them cook for 5 minutes and put everything together in the end.
The combination of chili hotness and the sweetness of the zucchini combined perfectly with the prawns. Definitely a plate I will try again, maybe also with caroodles (carrots) or celoodles (cellery) and in autumn I might also go with pudles (pumpkin). The idea of the whole thing is that the vegetables are not really cooked but just simmer along until they get softer and this leaves them so much more flavor - try it!

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